


1. 开发新产品:不断推出符合目标市场的新产品,并主动推荐给客户。这类新产品相比传统产品更容易引起兴趣。

2. 解决客户问题:研究客户的官网、社交媒体及销售平台上的用户评价和投诉,发现潜在问题,提供解决方案,吸引客户注意。

3. 降低成本:在不影响产品质量的前提下,探索降本增效的机会,从而赢得客户的青睐。
Hi John,
Good morning!
I hope this message finds you well. We are a potential vendor for XXX Company, currently serving prominent clients such as [Customer 1] and [Customer 2]. We are ISO 9001 certified, and our products are also UPC certified, ensuring high quality and compliance with industry standards.
I’m reaching out to introduce a new product specifically designed for women aged 20-29, a demographic that I noticed makes up a significant portion of your customer base. This product has already achieved success in the XXX market, with over 100,000 units sold in just two months.
If you are interested in evaluating this product, we have samples available and would be happy to send them for your review.
Looking forward to your thoughts.
Best regards,  
[Your Name]
Hi John,
Good morning!
I just visited your website and noticed some customer feedback regarding product XXXX, particularly around issues such as XXXXX (based on feedback from 390 customers). We have successfully helped over 20 clients address similar concerns.
We have extensive experience working with well-known clients such as [Customer 1] and [Customer 2], and our products are certified to the highest standards (ISO 9001, UPC certified).
Could we schedule a time for me to present more details on how we can assist? I’d be glad to provide further insights at your convenience.
Looking forward to your response.
Best regards,  
[Your Name]
Hi John,
Good morning!
I hope this message finds you well. We are a potential vendor for [XXX company], and we currently serve several prominent clients, including [XXXX] and [XXXX]. Recently, we made a breakthrough in our production process that allows us to reduce the cost of [XXX item] by 20% without compromising on quality.
Our products meet the highest industry standards (ISO 9001 and UPC certified), and we are confident that this cost reduction could bring significant savings for your business.
Could you share the specific products you’re currently purchasing? I’d be happy to offer a customized proposal for your review.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,  
[Your Name]

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